Working together as one
Our advisors work collaboratively on environmental aspirations for their area, achieving great results for water quality and biodiversity, while building social cohesion.
Phone Alison
021 242 4949
Email: Alison
Alison Dewes
Vet, Ecologist, Farmer & Tipuwhenua (sustainable land use consultancy owner/director)
Alison is passionate about achieving environmental outcomes from farming that are consistent with eco-system health. She is an experienced veterinarian (BVSc, Massey, 1987) and Masters in Biological Science (Ecology), (Waikato 2015). Also qualified in: advanced nutrient management, adult education, effluent design, dairy nutrition, machine testing, financial lending fundamentals and dairy leadership (Melb Aus).
Alison has a deep understanding of the farming industry managing sustainable consultancy businesses in NZ + Aus, and 30 yrs farming exp including Australian Agribusiness roles: Commonwealth Bank & Nestle in milk supply mgt & quality. Was sustainable land use advisor for Raukawa Charitable Trust. In NZ she has successfully managed and executed several NZ SFF projects including Māori Agribusiness – (SFF) Economic Opportunities and Land Use Change, Tomorrows Farms Today (SFF), Upper Waipa Farming Collective (SFF), Dairy Business of the Year Analyst/design (MPI), Whole Farm Plans Waikato Peat Lakes for WRC & NZ Landcare Trust, Lower N Use Fund – Reducing N from Lake Rotorua, and Upper Waikato Nutrient Efficiency Study (Agfirst 2009) and review of GHG efficiency measures from Overseer (Agfirst 2009). In 2019-2020: Project Manager: Molesworth Whole Farm Plan for High Country (2020).
Sarah Dudin
B Appl Science with Natural Resource Mgt
Sarah is a rural advisor with a focus on sustainable farm systems, soils, soil conservation practices and Land Environment Plans. She has provided technical land management solutions and advice to farmers, regional councils & industry for over 20 years. Sarah is one of the most experienced Land Use Capability mappers in NZ, developing paddock scale surveys for landowners and providing training to rural advisors. She uses Arc GIS maps and Overseer modeling to support Land and Environment Plans and farm decision making. Sarah is a 4th generation sheep and beef farmer in the King Country, with a strong interest in all pastoral farming systems and communities. She enjoys engaging with people to develop practical strategies that address all aspects of environmental and farm system needs.
Rachel Mudge
Rachel has an Honours degree from the University of Waikato Business School majoring in Strategic Management and Communications. She has over 10 years experience providing technical advice to farmers on a range of topics including soil fertility and nutrient management, farm systems optimisation and ruminant nutrition. More recently she has supported a range of corporate organisations with support on Overseer modelling, farm system modelling and land use change. She is also assisting Councils around NZ with practical advice on consents and diffuse and point source discharge management.
Sally Lee
B.Ag.Sci (Hons), CNMA
Sally is an agribusiness leader with 20 plus years’ experience. She has strong on-farm, business, environmental, and financial skills and understanding and holds qualifications in Intermediate and Advanced Nutrient Management as well as Land Management experience, hands-on farming and was finalist in the Waikato Ballance Farm Environment Awards 2018 and 2019. Sally has a proven understanding of agricultural systems including sheep and beef, dairy, equine and goats and sound understanding of environmental issues and good practices through land management work, hands-on farming and continual development. Sally has a uniquely, high understanding of agricultural systems modelling and its practical application.
Alanah Bunyard
B. Com. Ag, SNM, ASNM
Alanah has several years of farm business and ecological health analysis, and is a strong believer in helping farmers to achieve farm, family, and business wellbeing, along with the wider ecological health.
She enjoys helping connect communities and empowering them to make a difference.
With her experience: smart technical and design skills, she can bring agricultural data and trends to life in an and easy to understand way.
Data transparency and helping people to understand what lies behind the facts and figures is an area Alanah thrives on.
As a small block owner herself she is passionate about the land and her animals, she loves getting out and enjoying New Zealand's landscape. Alanah also owns a number of businesses in her own right, so understands the importance of work life balance, and most importantly, that of profitability.
Email: Alanah
Stef Kincheff
B.for.Sc (Hons)
Forest Establishment Manager – Hardwood Management Ltd
After graduation from Forestry School in Canterbury, Stef worked for a number of the large corporates (NZFP, CHH & Fletcher Paper) in operations management and forest development roles. This was followed by a role with Shell Oil in London working in the non traditional business division involved with forest development in West Africa, Uruguay and Brazil.
Hardwood Management Limited was established in 2000 and has been involved in establishing and managing a variety of forest types (pine, eucalypt, manuka and native). The business has a number of forests under management of which a number are on behalf of Maori Trusts and Incorporations.
With a hands on practical approach, Stef remains actively involved in the commercial, carbon, manuka honey and native restoration spheres of operation. Hardwood Management has developed relationships with trusted professional contractors that deliver at scale with excellent results.
Email: Stef